Thursday, October 11, 2012

Uneven Number

This Tuesday, my friend, Jen, came out to Pivot for an asymmetrical haircut. I always get super energized when I see a familiar face waiting for me in the client lobby. Jen has extremely thick hair (her red is all natural by the way) and wanted some of the weight removed. She was also feeling a bit adventurous and wanted to experiment with the beauty that is asymmetry. After consulting with my educator, Mr. Bearj, we all agreed that I would be able to free form the sculpture and then come through with my thinning shears to remove the bulk. Well, it just so happens that this was my first full, free form cut and I am so happy that it turned out great. Jen thought so too! Beach House concert, here she comes ;)


  1. like it. Going to get my hair cut manana - maybe i should do this!

  2. You're fantastic, Ruby; this was fun to read and certainly even funner to experience! :) You did a great job, and I'll certainly be coming back for touch-ups and whatever else time decides! Thanks again!!!
